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Thursday, April 10, 2014

10 Best Parental Control Software

10 Parental Control Softwares to Safeguard your Kids

Parenthood is probably the toughest job you will ever have. Raising a child is difficult of course, but then keeping an eye out and monitoring their lives is also a part and parcel of the package. And throw technology into the fold and one realizes it�s more than just any job.
Children having access to technology is important if they are to be well trained for a professional or academic future ahead. But they must also be guided along the way as how to make use of technology and internet resources. For this reason, it�s a good idea for parents to invest in some parental control software, which will allow them to direct their child�s use of technology without fear of any harm from outside.

1.Net Nanny. This program is the best one can have when it comes to parental control software. It comes with many features such as filtering and blocking but does not allow for keystroke or image capture. Parents can use it to monitor any activity at all on a system.

2.McAfee Safe Eyes.
 One of the advantages of getting this program is that you can monitor three different PCs with one license. Besides just internet filtering, you can also control and block videos, games, instant messaging and music.

3.Web Watcher. This app can be installed remotely and hence does not need physical parent presence to work. Parents can also block content either through web addresses or actual page content.  Apps on the actual system can be restricted to and hence will not launch.

4. Profil Parental Filter 2
. This program upon purchase also comes with three licenses and also allows parents to maintain children�s profiles. This means that different levels of control can be set depending on the user in question.

5.SpyTech SpyAgent. This is one of the more affordable programs and allows parents to keep children safe online by blocking whatever they deem inappropriate. A drawback is that the installation process is a bit difficult.

6.Spector Pro.
 Perhaps the only major flaw with this program is that if you have an outdated version, you�re out of luck in the upgrade department and will have to buy a new licensed one. This program can run in both visible as well as stealth mode depending on the parent�s choice.

7.eBlaster. If you want to monitor your tween remotely than this program would be best suited to help you out as it works mostly through email. The only major drawback would be that it does not support local or network reporting capabilities.

8.PC Pandora Pro. If your parental monitoring feature of most interest is screenshots, then PC Pandora Pro will definitely be able to help you out with that. You can monitor in stealth but tweens who have some advanced computer skill may be able to overcome it.

9.Elite Keylogger. As the name suggests, this program is a keylogger meant for careful recording of each keystroke. This can be very helpful in monitoring tween chats and online conversations. It cannot be used to block websites however.

10.CyberSitter. You can use this parental control software to monitor and filter out content. This software is perfect for tweens but may prove ineffective for teens, who require advanced monitoring and surveillance features. Just right for a tween though.

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